Body positivity: I’m thin and that’s okay πŸ’•

Hey lovely bloggers 😍,

Today I want to talk about body positivity. This is such an important subject. There are still so many people suffering with this subject. Women and men suffer from this subject. We often think that only women suffer from not feeling good enough in their bodies. It isn’t true. Also men suffer from not feeling good enough. They don’t feel good enough or feel like they have to look a certain way to be happy. I want to talk about body positivity with this picture. I made this picture in La Alhambra in Granada, in Spain last Summer. Something I struggled with through my life is the fact that I’m thin. I’m happy with my body but I struggled with the fact that people bullied me for being thin. You may think people will praise you because you are thin. It isn’t true. People critice every body size.

Schermopname (6).png

When I was in high school I got comments that I’m not a woman because I don’t have big breasts or they said that I’m only bones. I also got worse comments which was that they said and asked me if I had anorexia. Those bad comments really hurt me and made me feel insecure about myself. I don’t have any eating disorder. This is such a mean comment and also an insult for those who really struggle with eating disorders. I really wish that those who suffer from an eating disorder can all recover and be happy with their body and theirselves. They really deserve that. It’s such a serious illness that has to be taken seriously because many people die from it every year. They saw that I ate a lot of chocolate and that I didn’t get any weight. I’m sorry but that it’s not my fault. This is just the way I’m made. I remember a girl said once to me that I will get thick when I’m older. I was like wtf why are you saying that to me?! I guess all those people were just jealous and enjoyed causing me hurt with their words.

I also remember many times that I went to eat with my Spanish family and they were all the time saying: “Wow you look really skinny”, “You have to eat more”, “Are you okay?”. I’m fucking okay but not with all those stupid comments. I know my family cares about me but those words just only caused me anxiety about my body image. In Spain, people love food and if they are not eating, they are cooking or thinking about food. I like food and eat well but I don’t like to eat that much as they do in Spain. It’s really insane how much they can eat here hahaha. I don’t want to be nauseous because of eating too much. I think that’s why sometimes when I feel uncomfortable at a place while eating I get nauseous. I fear again the comments people would make me. I felt like I had to eat much food so that nobody would critice me. Now, I just eat what I want and don’t care that much about what they say to me. This is my body and I’m happy with it. However, sometimes those words can still hurt me but I try to care less.

I also think society is causing a lot of damage to our body image. When we watch television or read a magazine we see all those perfect people with their perfect bodies. We began to think that we also have to look that way in order to be happy with our bodies and ourselves. It’s just a bad illusion. Most of those pictures you see are photoshop and aren’t even real. Do you really think you would be happy if you would look like that model in the magazine?! I think not because if you aren’t accepting yourself now, you won’t accept yourself if you would look different. It’s just creating a negative influence on your confidence. You have to accept yourself and your body now. I’m in favour or people doing sports in order to feel happy. I’m not in favour of people who are doing sports in order to loose so much weight to be happy. Trust me, it won’t make you happy. If you are doing sports because you have to do it it won’t create the benefits when you a sport because you love to do it and because it makes you happy. When I go swimming I feel refreshed and happy. Do something because it makes you feel good about yourself and not as punishment.

I wish everybody could embrace their bodies instead of criticising it. We have one body. Our body is our temple and we have to live in it until we die. It’s time to start a revolution and love our body and care for it. Your scars, stretch marks, flaws, curves and everything about your body is perfect the way you are.  Eat the right food, take care of it and practise self love. You only have one body so it’s important to take good care of it. Don’t listen to what society tells us to be. We are perfect the way we are. You are already enough. We don’t have to look a certain way to be happy about ourselves. We are more than our body, we are a person with beautiful values and a personality.


Sometimes I really wish I could gain more weight. I really wish that but I just can’t. I learned to accept that this is my body size. Maybe in the future when I maybe will get pregnant I will gain some weight but I guess it won’t be that much. My mother has the same body size and also gain a bit weight when she got pregnant. This is the way we were made. I’m never hiding it and always make pictures in Summer and with my bikini. I learned to be proud of my body despite the negativity or judgmental comments people would make me. I’m more than my body size. I’m a person with great values and have a caring heart. I think that means much more than a body size. We are all different and that’s what make us unique and beautiful ❀ I wish we can all start a revolution of loving our bodies because all bodies are beautiful.


I hope you all liked this blog post. I wish you all can’t relate to it because it makes me feel sad that so many people on this world still don’t love their bodies. You are all beautiful. It doesn’t matter which size you are. Remember that you are always enough. Love yourself no matter what πŸ’•

Much love πŸ’œ,

xoxo Christina

Poem: You are unbelievable enough πŸ’ž

Hey lovely community ❀❀❀,

I think I’m gonna share more poetry which I have made during my life. I love writing poetry. I liked writing poetry since I have been little. It just feels so good to write your thoughts and feeling on paper. I always feel so much lighter after I have written a poem. Just let me know what you think πŸ˜„. I hope it will inspire you all and bring some light into this sometimes dark world πŸ’«πŸ’ž

My personal Instagram is: christinax1993 and my poetry Instagram account is: seaofwordsx. I just leave this here if anybody is interested in it πŸ˜„ I share a lot of poems there but I wanna share more on my blog too. 

I made this poem for all my lovely, beautiful and amazing followers πŸ’– Especially the ones who are struggling right now and feel bad. Look in the mirrow and tell yourself that you are beautiful and enough because you are πŸ’œ Don’t let others or society tells you aren’t. You aren’t the scales on the weight, your mistakes and the pain you have suffered. You are so much more than that. You are a beautiful human being who light up this whole world just because you exists. You are capable of so many awesome things. The universe has your back πŸ’« 

Life wouldn’t be the same without you here. You have a purpose. You will feel okay again even if you feel like your whole world is falling apart. Feelings come and go. You are loved. You are never alone. If you feel lonely, look to the right and there I will be standing next to you, side to side. I may be far away but never apart πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– 

I love you all so much with all my heart ❀❀❀

xoxo Christina

Would you be friends with people who spoke to you the way you speak to yourself? πŸ’­

Hey lovely bloggers πŸ’•,

I saw this picture on Tumblr. This is just so true. We spend so much time doubting, hating and making fun of ourselves. Instead, we should love ourselves more for what we are. I can relate to this so much. I find it hard too. I remember so many times that I have said to myself that I’m not good enough or other bad thoughts such as that I’m not looking good or that I’m not beautiful. I still find it hard to trust these thoughts. However, I learned to not trust “this voice” in my head all the time even though it’s really difficult sometimes.

If a friend would spoke to me the way I speak to myself sometimes, I really wouldn’t be their friend anymore. How can you be friends with someone who is constantly saying negative things about you?! You don’t wanna be around with such a negative person. Why do we find it so damn easy to say things like we aren’t worth it, we aren’t good enough, we aren’t pretty like her/him to ourselves? We would never ever say that to a friend. We know those are bad thoughts πŸ’­.

I think the reason why we find it so easy to say those things to ourselves lies also in society and media. We always see those perfect famous people; with all their glamour and perfect bodies that we increase this mis conception of not feeling good about ourselves. We see those lives and we feel like we aren’t good enough. We scroll through social media and see all those perfect people and wanna be like them. It ain’t perfect. They have problems too but only the good parts are showed. That’s media. Trust me, being famous isn’t always a happy life if you look to the facts that many famous people can’t cope with their lives and take a lot of drugs, alcohol and even suicide…. I find that really sad. 

Society increase those feelings of not feeling good enough constantly. We are so much aware of it. We see those examples in magazines, on social media, on television, just everywhere. It really annoys me. We have to excercise a lot, look skinnier, gain much money, have a perfect job, have a perfect family, travel to the best places on earth, buy a bigger house… It’s always about having more and being better. I don’t like that about our competitive society. It’s never good enough. 

I love this poem which I found on Google. It shows us how society will always find something to tear us down and how we would never be good enough. We shouldn’t listen to that negative voice but focus on how to feel good about ourselves.

Instead we should focus on what we have and achieve inner peace. Inner peace will bring us to self love. If we are happy about ourselves, we also focus on making good choices for our lives. If we feel good in our skin, we will excersise and eat healthy but not to be skinnier. I hate those fitness and diet pages so much. It only increase that negative feeling about yourself. I’m a believer of making good choices for yourself just to feel about yourself. If you all the time try to be skinnier and skinnier, you will never feel happy. It will never be good enough. 

We can eat healthier and do things we love just to feel good about ourselves and increase our health but not to obtain a certain imaginary goal which can’t never be achieved.

Fuck whats society tells you. Don’t believe them. You are good enough. You are beautiful with all your curves. Be proud of yourself. If you have a bad thought coming into your head of not being good enough, you could think of the things what makes you YOU. You are unique and have so many good qualities. You can be romantic, sensitive, kind, social, compasionate… Those are all good qualities. I know you must have all of these too and so muh more πŸ’«

Being beautiful for me means not something temporary like the looks of a person. No. Being beautiful for me means how a person thinks and feels. Being beautiful goes beyond someone’s looks. It’s all about their qualities and dreams in life. Take all the superficial things away and you have that beautiful person. Being beautiful lays down in your soul. Looks will fade away with the years, but that personality and soul will always stick with you for the rest of your life.

Let the world talk. Make good choices for yourself and always out of love. Love yourself for what you are. Stop doubting about yourself. Know you are worth it and achieve all the dreams that you have. 

Believe in yourself, because YOU are beautiful and good enough. Never ever doubt that πŸ’œπŸ’‹

Much love,


World mental health day; Remember, you are not alone πŸ’ž

Hey lovelies πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•,

Today is an important day in the world. Today it’s world mental health day. This subject is close to my heart because I have struggled and still struggle with anxiety for like my whole life. I have already shared a lot about having anxiety on my blog. I was always feeling anxious for new things, changes in life, presentations, for dentists or doctors appointments, just anything that make me feel uncomfortable. Everybody can feel this way in their lives.

However, I felt it way more heavy than others. I’m also a highly sensitive person which means that I feel more. I feel every emotion so deep, may it be a bad or good emotion. I’m also a person who analyse and overthink every situation which makes my anxiety even worse. 

Last year I went to the doctor in The Netherlands and got some therapy sessions but it didn’t seem to work. It made my anxiety even worse. It ain’t for everybody. I also took some natural meds such as St. Jans Wort but it didn’t seem to work. Since I went to the doctor here in Spain and got subscriped antidepressants I feel sooo much better than before. These weeks I feel bad again, but it’s the transition of college to real life. I know this energy will shift again. There are just bad and good periods in my life. 

For anybody suffering from a mental health issue please talk with a loved one, get support and help and do what feels right to you. If therapy sessions makes you feel better, do it. If exercise as yoga, swimming or surfing helps, do it. Don’t feel ashamed. I was so ashamed of taking antidepressants because I felt like that if I take that I would be crazy in my head. We can take meds for physical pain but not for mental pain?! Like there needs to be a different mindset. Just do what feels good to you.

For me these things make me feel good about myself:

  • Surfing: I really can’t wait to surf again and feel so free
  • Reading: I love to read novels and self help books
  • Writing: I love to write poems 
  • Blogging: I love to write on this blog. It’s my safe space with such a lovely community πŸ’ž 
  • Singing: I used to sing in a choir for 11 years
  • Being surrounded by my family and friends who support me
  • Nature: It’s just the best for our health πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž Fresh air πŸπŸ‚πŸƒ
  • Photography
  • Being creative
  • Travelling: I love to go to new places and can distance myself from all the worries I have
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Eating and sleeping well

There are so many other things that you can do to make you feel good. You just have to find what’s best for you. You know yourself as it best. Remember, to always be kind to yourself. You are loved and not alone. 

We need to end the mental health stigma. Every day is mental health day. Mental health is as important as physical health. There are still so many people from all different ages and nationalities suffering. They all need help and we need to end the stigma around this issue. They are not crazy in their minds, they need help, support and compassion. To raise awareness you can draw a circle on your hand with the hastag #iamwhole or wear something yellow with the the hastag #helloyellow and post it on social media.

Remember, we are all in this together, you are not alone πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’«

Much love,

xoxo πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž