Stop making a taboo about having periods

Hey lovelies πŸ’•,

I just had to write this blog post because I feel bad these days because of my upcoming period. I find it important to raise awareness about having our periods. I’m going to talk about period pain and periods in general. I already talked about it one day. I don’t understand why we don’t talk more about it and why it’s still considered a taboo when it’s something natural. I think we have to talk more about it so that women don’t feel alone while suffering each month from heavy pain, blood, mood swings and everything which comes with having our periods. Men often say that women get crazy when their period is coming well we aren’t crazy, our hormones are making us feel that way. It’s not something we choose for. I find it always so disgusting when people say that we like to be completely mad. If they would suffer from it, they wouldn’t say that because then they would know how it feels. You never know what’s someone is going through until you feel those feelings and those experiences by yourself.

So, Saturday night I experienced so much pain that I thought OMG I will die. I was sitting on the floor covering my tummy. My body was IN SO MUCH PAIN. I cried so much. I know almost certain that it has to do with my period coming and pms. It isn’t normal though. I have always had painful and heavy periods. I know I’m not the only woman suffering through this 😭. It’s so hard. The strange thing is that I never felt it that way and I still don’t have my period. I think it’s pms because for the rest I’m not sick or anything. I also feel angry and emotional. I also feel way more anxious before my period. I also have read that it’s because of our hormones. They make us feel like crazy. I always have mood swings before period and I’m so hungry. I just ate a pizza πŸ• last night haha. I craved it so badly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹.

There’s still a taboo talking about it. I know some men don’t like to hear it and find it gross. I remember one time I was on my period during high school and I always bleed so much. I knew my jeans were a bit red 😭. I wanted to go to the toilet but they didn’t let me. I didn’t say I had my period. I found it so uncomfortable. I also have heard of men who are super supportive and that makes me so happy. The friends I have in my life who are men are very supportive and care about me. That’s the direction we have to go. Well, it’s the most natural thing ever of being a women which has to be respected. Maybe if women had more information and resources, pain and other issues surrounding our moon would be more manageable. We can’t fix a problem when we can’t talk about it. Talking about it helps to raise awareness and will make us come to a solution all together. I also agree that women have to get more benefits surrounding their periods like free days at work and that pads, tampons and every other product for our periods doesn’t cost anything anymore. We don’t ask for it. Condoms are often given for free but we have to buy these products which also cost so much money. It is definitely not fair at all.

Years ago, women had their period always in sync with the full moon 🌜. That’s why they also call it our moon. It goes in sync with how we feel too. Before our period we may feel more emotional, heavy, sad, angry or just feel that something is off. That means the end of something. When our period begins we begin a new life, a new cycle. Maybe my period is coming on the full moon this Thursday. When I read this somewhere on the internet I felt in awe 🌝. The full moon has definitely an effect on us. I sleep worse the night before and feel more emotional. It’s so beautiful to think we can bring a life into this world. We women are magical creatures of the universe βœ¨πŸ’ž and have to embrace this with our whole heart. The thought of one day getting a baby is beautiful but at the same time it overwhelms me. I don’t know how to take sometimes good care of myself. How would I be able to take care of a child? Also, I’m afraid of getting pregnant and giving birth. I already feel so bad with having my period every month. How would I survive giving birth? I don’t think I’m the only thinking this. I also find it good that women don’t have to have children because it’s their choice like to do abortion too. Every women has the right to decide what to do with their bodies.

I think I will have to check this problem soon because what I felt last weekend was the worst 😒. I’m always anxious about going to the doctor so I don’t go only when I really have to. It gets worse every month. I hope I don’t have anything serious or like endometriose. I know many of my friends also suffer this way and some women don’t feel much. They are definitely the lucky ones. I wish my life was pain free, oh how a different world would that be. Sometimes I wouldn’t be able to walk because of so much cramps. I’m happy I have Aleve meds which is Naproxen and helps very well. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to cope at all. I just don’t know if I would like to take birth control because I also read some bad stories with side effects. I don’t know if that would be good for my mental health. I just don’t really know what is good or bad for my body.

I just really think we have to talk more about our periods without any shame. It’s 2020 and it’s about time to stop hiding our feelings or thoughts on important topics such as this one in the world. Only then we can come to a solution and feel less alone in our struggles. I’m so happy my mamita is always there to comfort me. Also, my daddy understands me because he sees me suffering every damn month 😒. I wish everyone has a person that is there for them. No one has to deal with hard stuff in life alone. No women has to go through this alone every time of the month. I hope you have friends, family and other loved ones who are there for you when you feel bad during that time of the month. You deserve that love and compassion so much. Your feelings are valid. You are not alone πŸ’žπŸŒˆπŸ™. You are loved. I love you all.

Thank you all for reading this important blog post. I found it important to talk about this subject. How are your periods? Do you take meds or birth control? What are some tips to ease the pain? I’m always here for you. Let me know lovelies. I will speak to you all in my next blog post.

Much love πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

International Women’s Day 2020 πŸ’ͺβ™€οΈπŸ’œ

Hey lovelies πŸ’•,

I always find it so important to talk about women’s rights especially today. Today it’s International Women’s Day πŸ’œβ™€οΈ. Every day is women’s day but I find today just an important day to talk about feminism and women’s rights. I love to write poetry about this topic. I love to read about it. I love to speak up about it because we have the right to speak up. I will also share at the end a poem, a picture and a cover 🎢 I made for this subject. I will not say happy International Women’s Day because how can we be happy when there are still so many women suffering in this world? How can we be happy when we are still afraid walking at night? How can we be happy when we are always afraid of something happening to us? There still needs a lot to be done to have equal rights between men and women.

There’s still no equality between men and women in this world. We have to raise our voice and talk about it. Men still earn in many places more than women. Men still consider women as objects. Men still keep catcalling women on the street. Rape, sexual abuse and violence against women exists. It still happens. It happens in The Netherlands, in Spain and anywhere else in the world. It has nothing to do with undeveloped or developed countries. This is an issue which effects the whole world 🌍. I wish we wouldn’t live in a patriarchal world. To be honest, I’m sick of it. Women can be bosses too. We don’t need men to feel satisfied or be happy in life.

I have always been a feminist and also will be a feminst forever πŸ’œβ™€οΈπŸ”₯. Women and men deserve the same human rights. It’s that simple. Some men always think that if you are a feminist, you hate men. That isn’t the case at all. Of course, men can be a feminst too because this isn’t just about women, it’s also about men. We don’t want to have the power over men. We just want GENDER EQUALITY.

Girl support girls always

I have to admit that I still have a wall around me because of my ex. It’s been 7 years since the break up πŸ’”. I dated some guys sometimes but just short and nothing serious. I’m afraid to get hurt again. I liked guys which just wanted me because they wanted sex from me and I don’t want that. They saw me as an object and even one time one said that they thought I was sexual attractive. I was like fuck off πŸ‘†. You see, I’m fed up with these kind of comments. I want to be seen as a women for my qualities which means being sensitive, romantic, creative, compassionate and for being intelligent and having a good heart. When I see a man or get to know one I think of these qualities of that person whereas men always focus on our physically.

To be honest, I don’t blame men for those behaviours because they can be changed. Those are not great comments of course. Those behaviours are thought from an early age. Boys and girls are grown up differently. Boys have to be strong and like men stuff like cars 🚘 and football and girls are grown up having to be like a princess πŸ‘Έ, being sweet and sensitive and loving all cute and pink stuff. It’s the wrong way to have grown up. The moment a child doesn’t feel like fitting in, he or she fall outside the box in our society. So, I definitely think these male-dominated behaviours of catcalling and seeing women as an object comes from an early age.

I really do think we have to raise boys and girls the same way. Tell them it’s okay to be and like who they want to like. Tell the boys it’s okay to cry. Tell the girls it’s okay to be a warrior. This will also cause less mental health problems in the future. There are more men who die by suicide then women because they feel they can’t express their emotions and don’t have the right to cry and talk about their feelings.

As you can see, there is still a lot to do with achieving real equality between men and women. I’m a feminist by heart and I find it important to raise awareness about equality always. Therefor I made a poem πŸ“ for this day and this poem relates to the picture where you can see me with tape on my mouth. I made this picture a few years ago for an assignment for school. It was for my minor of photography. We had to show a contrast with two pictures. I had chosen the topic of freedom. This picture is the opposite of how I’m able to live my life. This picture relates to my poem below.

Picture of myself showing how some women can't speak up

𝑰 π’‚π’Ž 𝒂 π’˜π’π’Žπ’‚π’.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑰 π’ˆπ’†π’• π’‘π’–π’π’Šπ’”π’‰π’†π’….
𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 π’˜π’†π’‚π’“ π’˜π’‰π’‚π’• 𝑰 π’˜π’‚π’π’•.
𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 𝒃𝒆 π’˜π’‰π’ 𝑰 π’˜π’‚π’π’• 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆.
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𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 π’…π’“π’Šπ’—π’†.
𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 π’˜π’π’“π’Œ π’π’–π’•π’”π’Šπ’…π’† 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆.
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𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏’𝒕 π’”π’‘π’†π’‚π’Œ 𝒖𝒑.
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π‘»π’‰π’Šπ’” π’Šπ’” π’Žπ’š π’π’Šπ’‡π’†.

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𝑨𝒍𝒍 π’˜π’π’Žπ’†π’ 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 π’π’Šπ’—π’† 𝒂 π’π’Šπ’‡π’† π’Šπ’ π’‡π’“π’†π’†π’…π’π’Ž.
𝑾𝒆 π’„π’‰π’‚π’π’ˆπ’† 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’˜π’π’“π’π’… π’†π’—π’†π’“π’šπ’…π’‚π’š! 𝒀𝒆𝒔 π’˜π’† 𝒄𝒂𝒏 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Besides, I also made this cover of the song La puerta violeta πŸ’œπŸŽΆ from rozalen. It’s such a beautiful Spanish song. Rozalen is such an amazing Spanish artist! This song is about violence against women and about freedom. She sings about drawing a violet door on the wall, running in the forest and being free and safe. It’s a song dedicated for the violence against women around the world.

I shared the cover on my instagram which you can find below.

View this post on Instagram

International Women's Day πŸ’ͺπŸ’œ . Yesterday it was International Women's Day πŸ’œπŸ’ͺ♀️It's been a long time since I shared a cover from a song 🎢. I made this cover of the song La puerta violeta from @rozalenmusic. It's such a beautiful Spanish song. Rozalen is amazing! This song is about violence against women and about freedom. She sings about drawing a violet door, running in the forest and being free and safe. 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒐 π’…π’Šπ’ƒπ’–π’‹Γ© 𝒖𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒖𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂 π’—π’Šπ’π’π’†π’•π’‚ 𝒆𝒏 𝒍𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒀 𝒂𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒓 π’Žπ’† π’π’Šπ’ƒπ’†π’“Γ© π‘ͺπ’π’Žπ’ 𝒔𝒆 π’…π’†π’”π’‘π’π’Šπ’†π’ˆπ’‚ 𝒍𝒂 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒂 𝒅𝒆 𝒖𝒏 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒕é 𝒆𝒏 𝒖𝒏 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒐 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒆 π’Žπ’–π’š 𝒍𝒆𝒋𝒐𝒔 𝒅𝒆 𝒂𝒒𝒖í π‘ͺ𝒐𝒓𝒓í, π’ˆπ’“π’Šπ’•Γ©, 𝒓𝒆í 𝑺é 𝒍𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒏𝒐 π’’π’–π’Šπ’†π’“π’ 𝑨𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒂 π’†π’”π’•π’π’š 𝒂 𝒔𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒐 I hope you all liked this song and we can change the world little by little. Women and men are equal. We all deserve the same human rights. Let's all stand together to make this happen and take action. Yes we can do it! πŸ’ͺπŸ’œπŸ’œ

A post shared by Sea of words 🌊 (@seaofwordsblog) on

I hope you all liked the poem and the song. It’s just so important to speak up for the ones who can’t speak up. We have to do it all together πŸ’ͺπŸ’–. We are all making a change every day by changing our thoughts and behaviour. We are all equal. Nobody is better. We are all human and deserve to be treated that way.

Thank you all for reading this important blog post about international women’s day, equality, human rights and feminism. I hope you all liked it and that it inspired you. Are you also a feminist? What do you think of equality? What do you think needs to change to achieve gender equality in the world? Let me know lovelies. I will speak to you all in my next blog post.

Much love πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

Let’s talk about sexual consent and my experiences with it

Hey lovelies πŸ’•,

I find it important to talk about feminism, self love and everything related to it on my blog. As I’ve been reading the awesome blog of Ashley I read an important post about sexual consent which inspired me to write about it. April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. There’s no better time to write about it and also about some of my experiences regarding to this topic. I don’t know if this is too much information to share but I will share it anyway. That’s what my blog is for, to be always vulnerable, open and honest.

Sexual consent is agreeing to be sexual with someone. The two of them have to agree on it. What I often experienced and saw around me happening was that when a women don’t say NO or just isn’t sure it means she says yes. I have never been raped but I know there are so many women in the world who have been raped and even murdered. It isn’t their fault yet society still blames the victim which in many cases is a women. When I was reading what sexual assualt means I was thinking about my own experiences. I always thought that the things which men did to me wasn’t a big deal compared to a women who have been raped. I began to realize that my experiences were also not okay. Not because someone else has it worse doesn’t mean the things you experience don’t count. It all count because you feel it and have experience it.

“Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity or contact that you do not consent to. Sexual assault can happen through physical force or threats of force or if the attacker gave the victim drugs or alcohol as part of the assault. Sexual assault includes rape and sexual coercion.” In the United States, one in three women has experienced some type of sexual violence. If you have been sexually assaulted, it is not your fault, regardless of the circumstances. This the real definition of sexual assualt from the website

So this made me think because I have experienced this in my life. I have experienced this with the only relationship I have had in my life. I remember that there were times he just wanted to have sex and I just didn’t want. You can’t force someone, right? I also was crying sometimes and we fight about it once or twice…. I told this once to a mental health worker a few years ago and said it wasn’t okay what happened in my relationship. It wasn’t a bad relationship but these things weren’t okay. I remember how my ex said that if he didn’t had sex before 18 he would go to the red light destrict. Maybe, it was a joke but I still didn’t like those jokes. He told his friends that we have done it when it wasn’t the case. I think men are ashamed to not have done sex in their friend group and don’t want to admit it to them. I find that so stupid.

Men always have to act cool surrounding there friends. I didn’t experience rape but if I would be again in a relationship I will set more boundaries. If someone doesn’t respect me and want to cross my boundaries then for me it’s exit. I don’t want a toxic relationship. I also don’t want to talk bad about people because my two year relationship was really great and it was the only one I ever loved in life but you learn from things you experience. People also do change. We all grow up and learn from our mistakes in life.

When he broke up with me I had a broken heart and didn’t how to survive in life without him. I found comfort in kissing random boys which didn’t give a f*ck about me. I was naive and innocent, which I maybe still am a bit but I’m getting better in knowing which people to trust. I was broken and lost during my exchange period in Spain. I was running through the streets late at night, drunk and calling my ex. Of course he didn’t pick up the phone. I just remember that last night I was in Spain partying and that night I was kissing a boy. I only remember that I drank much and that the next morning I woke up sick and had to vomit. I’m so thankful that I’m over those times and that I don’t drink anymore.

I just remember how awful I felt that morning because I felt like something happened the night before but I couldn’t remember it. I knew I was kissing a boy and he was touching me. Maybe, this sounds stupid but I was so afraid that I was pregnant. That didn’t happen thanks god but then I asked that boy on chat if he touched me and he laughed and said yes. I wrote him a message and laughed back. I’m thinking of that now and think how stupid I was too laugh about that. I had to speak up for myself and confront him that it wasn’t okay what he did.

I felt horrible and so guilty because all I felt was that it was completely my fault. I should have not accepted those free drinks. I should have behaved. I should not be at that party that night. I should not have kissed him. Why does women always think this way? Really why? Just because I drank and kissed him didn’t mean I wanted that he touched me without my consent? It’s just not okay. Women are still considered sexual objects in this society and are still in society’s eyes responsible for everything what happens to them regarding sexual assault, harrasment and rape. I find that so hard to understood and it makes me SO angry. There are so many cases in the world where a man don’t end up in jail or don’t have to go many years in jail because they say that the woman didn’t protect herself or because the law still think it’s our fault. We can’t defense ourselves. We just want to feel safe and protected by the law but what if the law even don’t trust us? Then we are really lost in this patriarchy world.

I just wanted to share my experiences in the hope that it helps all women out there πŸ’œ. You are not alone and you will never be. No is no and when you don’t say anything it’s also no. You decide your boundaries. It’s your body and your life. I hope the ones who suffer from violence against women in any form can get the help they need, professional help, speaking up about it, can talk about it with friends and family members who are there for me and respect them. I mostly hope that we can all feel safe in our bodies, with our lives and in this world. I hope one day we don’t have to feel anxious when walking down the streets at night in fear of our own lives. I really do hope we can all make this world a better place to live in 🌍. I will forever be a feminist, speak up about these topics and hopefully one day make a big change for you all, my sisterhood πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸ’œ.

Thank you all for reading this important blog post. What do you think of sexual consent? Do you agree with me? Did you also experience any form of sexual assault in your life? Let me know in the comments. You can always message me too if anyone wants to talk about anything. I’m always here for you all. We are all warriors! We are all in this together, always! πŸ’ͺ

I also want to wish you all a happy Easter as it’s Easter time! πŸ‡πŸ°πŸ£πŸ˜Š May you all enjoy this beautiful Spring season, eat lots of good food, delicious chocolate eggs πŸ₯š and spend time with your loved ones πŸ’• I will speak to you all in my next blog post.

Much love πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

Poem for International Women’s Day β™€οΈπŸ’ͺπŸ’œπŸ‘­

Hey lovelies πŸ’•,

I always need to share something on this important day: 8 March. Today it’s International Women’s Day. I find it important that we all think of how women are treated in the world. Even if you live in a developed country like I do, women are still being raped, discriminated or sexual harrast. It can happen in any country on this world. There’s still not 100% equality between women and men even though it’s better than in the past. It also depends on where you are in the world. In some countries women still aren’t able to go to school or travel alone. I see women getting murdered or raped in Spanish news often. There’s still so much to do so that we can feel save on the streets.

Last year, I was in Spain with my mother and went to the first feminist strike in Spain. It was one of the best experiences in my life. That march completely made me change the way I thought of sisterhood. I saw women being united, felt loved and soooo strong. I even made a friend which was amazing. It always feel like we have to compare with other women when it’s just so important to all support each other so that we can have equal rights. This year there’s again a feminist strike in Spain and I’m so sad I can’t be there. If you want to check that post and have an impression of that day you can go to this post.Β 

In this post I want to share a poem I made and recorded via video. I find it important to write about it. I’m a proud feminist! πŸ’ͺβ™€οΈπŸ’œπŸ‘­ I will forever support human rights and equality of women and men.

This is the spoken poetry video:

This is the same poem but then written:

International Women’s Day πŸ’œ

Today it’s International Women’s Day

This date is important every day not only just today

I’m a feminist by heart

Being a feminist means equal rights for women and men

It doesn’t mean that one gender has the power over one

It just means that there’s equality and freedom to be ourselves

It means to have the same human rights

Women are still discriminated, being raped and have a high rate of being murdered

What do we want?

We want to feel safe when we walk down the streets

We don’t want men catcalling us and making us feel uncomfortable

We don’t want that society always blames us for being raped because of what we were wearing or what we were doing

We want to love ourselves and feel free in our bodies

We want to be less afraid of something happening to us

We want to feel protected by the law

All we want is that society treats us with respect, understanding and love

Is that too much to ask for?

I’m sure we can all change the world, the moment we speak up about it

We’ll not be silenced anymore

Our time has come

We are not alone

We are all in this together! πŸ’ͺ

Together we will create a world were women and men can live in harmony, peace and love for the rest of their lives

Yes we can! ❀️πŸ’ͺ

Thank you all for reading this blog post and for watching my video. Did you like my poem? Are you also a proud feminist? Did you ever go to a demonstration or march on International Women’s Day? Let me know in the comments. I will speak to you all in my next blog post.

Much love πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

Reflection on 2018 & happy new year to you all! πŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸ’•πŸ’«

Hey lovelies πŸ’•,

Happy new year to you all! βœ¨πŸŽ‰ In this post I will talk about my 2018 and will show you how I celebrated New Year’s Eve. I’m glad I don’t have a cold amymore but just tonight I got my period so yeah that also sucks 😭 I’m glad I take medication for the cramps because otherwise I wouldn’t survive it. Besides, I’m also being anxious about my appointment of getting one of my wisdom teeth pulled out this week. I keep postponing the appointment. I know I have to do it but I’m so scared. H e l p. I also don’t want to do it in Holland. Here in Spain it’s much cheaper and the dentist understands my anxiety but I’m still so afraid and I just feel like I can’t cope. If anyone have some more tips to survive it I will be forever grateful πŸ™πŸ’• I can always take medication for anxiety if that’s enough to help me cope with it.


We are already in 2019. A year has flown by. As usually I want to reflect on my year with this post and also write some important things for you all. Every year has its ups and downs. Every year consists of good things and bad things which happen to us. The most important thing is how we react to all these things. I know how hard it’s to stay positive in this sometimes dark world. I just keep believing that there are so many good things in the world and that there are indeed so many good people. You just have to find your tribe. I’m so glad I did.

I’m so happy with my blogging community, mental health community, Yoga Girl community and the goddess revolution community. I’m thankful that I joined these communities this year. They made me feel less alone and so much happier. If I’m in Holland I will maybe go to a meet up with some yoga girls. I also really wish that we will continue to all be friends and hopefully one day we will all meet ✨ I know the universe brought us all together for a reason which is to be connected with awesome people, share our struggles and feel supported.

I learned a lot this year. I learn every day from this world. This year I realized that there are truly lovely people who care about you and want you to be happy. I learned that it’s better to have a few good friends than a million of fake friends. The ones who love you will always be there for you no matter what. I learned that true love exists when I saw my brother getting married in August in Spain. I learned that this life is an adventure. Sometimes we win and sometimes we loose. We learn from every experience. I also learned that it’s okay if I’m not where I want to be in life. I still have a long way to go. I will find a career I love and will keep growing. It all takes time, pacience and trust in myself. I have to love myself, believe in myself and know that I can make my dreams come true such as working and living in Spain ✨

I also went to my first feminist strike in Valladolid, in Spain on International Women’s Day on the 8th of March with my mother. This was such an empowerful event. I never went to a demonstration before. I really wish 2019 will be the year that less women will be suffering from violence. I wish that women and men have the same human rights. Together we are starting a revolution. This is just the beginning. 2019 will be the year where women can be themselves, love themselves and love each other πŸ’•

This year I also learned that music is the best thing in life 🎢 I would be lost without music. I went to so many amazing concerts such as the OperaciΓ³n Triunfo 2017 concert in Madrid with my friend Maria πŸ’• OperaciΓ³n Triunfo makes me so happy and full of life. I also enjoyed the concert of Pablo Alboran, Chenoa, Hombres G and Celtas Cortos with my mother in Valladolid. I also enjoyed so much the concert of Sofia Ellar with my friend Maria. I can’t wait to see her again. It was so lovely to meet Sofia and get a picture with her. She’s the best and I can’t wait to see her singing again 😍

This year I began to read again a lot which I loved to do so much when I was younger. I will continue reading this new year. I also kept writing and being creative. I hope to create more amazing content on this blog. Writing is amazing. I travelled to Madrid, Granada, Santander and Somo. I discovered Somo which is a beautiful surfing village in the north of Spain. In 2019 I really want to go to a surf camp again πŸ„β€β™€οΈπŸŒŠπŸŒž. I didn’t go surfing for more than two years. I miss it so much. It’s also so good for my mental health. The sea is my home and cleans my soul. The beach is my favourite place on this earth. I can’t wait to travel to more amazing places and meet more amazing people.

Somo, Santander (September 2018)


Granada, Andalucia (July 2018)


La RΓ‘bita, Mediterranean Sea, Granada (July 2018)


Madrid (March 2018)


Maybe for some of you this year was a hard year. Maybe some of you have lost someone close to you. Maybe you just didn’t felt okay and were struggling. I’m here for you. It’s okay to grief. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to feel sad. Feelings change and emotions change but it all takes time. Try to not be hard on yourself next year. Remember, I’ll will always be there for you πŸ’• I hope you will invest in self love and self care this new year because that’s the most important thing that matters. I also encourage you all to surround yourself with people who love you and who bring you only good vibes because you deserve that ✨.

I celebrated my New Year’s Eve in Valladolid, in Spain. I decided to not go out with my friends. I also didn’t go out last year. I used to party every year but I don’t feel in the mood anymore. I have to do what feels good to me. I went to the hairdressers in the afternoon to cut the dead ends, my bangs and they made curls in my hair. I love to look good for myself. I dressed up at home and did my make up. My mother and I went to the house of the mother of the wife of my brother. We celebrated all together New Year’s Eve: Rafael, my mother, VΓ©ronica, VΓ©ronica’s mother and her brother. We enjoyed eating delicious Spanish food.

We ate cheese, jamon serrano, chorizo, bread and chicken. I didn’t eat the fish because I don’t like fish so much haha πŸ˜‚ At 12 o’clock we watched the television and ate the 12 grapes. We also had champagne πŸ₯‚. It’s a tradition in Spain to eat the 12 grapes. They say it brings luck. We watched television where we were hearing beautiful music and we played Spanish card games. I really loved it so much. I love playing games with my family. At 3.30 am my mother and I went home and we stayed in watching some television. We went to bed at 6 am pretty late but doesn’t matter because it’s a special night. I’m glad I didn’t go out because as soon as we were home I got my period haha. On New Year’s Day we just stayed in and chilled. I saw the movie Grease. I just love that movie & the music so much 😍 I also saw the movie Paper Towns which I love so much from John Green. I already saw this movie with my best friend one day and loved it.

l wish you all an amazing new year full of love, happiness and luck πŸ€βœ¨βœŒοΈ Stay strong & stay safe. We are all in this together πŸ’ͺ I love you all so so so much ❀️. Thank you all for reading. How was your New Year’s Eve? Did you stay at home or did you went to a party? Which are your goals or dreams to achieve in 2019? I would love to know. I will speak to you all soon in my next blog post.


Much love πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

Women are not your property & 200 followers πŸŽ‰

Hola sweeties πŸ’•,

Firstly, I want to say that I’m so happy that I received a few days ago a notification on WordPress that I received 200 followers. I’m so happy that my blog is growing and growing. I hope it will continue this way. Thank you all so much for all the likes, comments and follows. I’m not blogging because of the numbers but of course it makes me happy that my blog is growing. I’m so thankful for this beautiful community. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me. I’m looking forward for my celebration of one year of blogging in August. I love you all so much 😍😍😍


Today I want to talk about a an important subject which is that women are not your property. This subject is based on how our society view us. I’m going to talk about this subject related to my own experience with boys and my ex boyfriend. I’m a proud feminist which means that I believe in equal rights between women and men. Some people think that being a feminist means that we hate men and that we think we’re better than them when it’s not that case. I don’t want to feel and be superior as a man. I just want to be treated equally as a man.


Women’s bodies are always considered as an object. We are always sexualised. You can see it on social media, on television, on magazines, just everywhere you go you can see it. I’m really done with it. I remember a time that I was doing my Erasmus abroad in Spain a few years ago that I knew a group of friends. There was one boy who was always hanging out with us and was a nice boy. Then one day he said to me that he gave my mobile number to a friend of him because he liked me. I was really angry. Just because I trust you and we’re friends doesn’t mean that I want that you give my mobile number to a boy I even almost don’t know and especially whitout my consent. This boy had my number and was messaging me and said that he found me sexually attracted. I felt horrible because I don’t want my body to be sexualised and I don’t want any boy to like me just for my body. I didn’t answered this boy anymore and deleted him from my mobile phone.

I’ve felt so many times that I needed to change for a boy or please him when it isn’t good for me. Someone has to love you for who you are and for your personality. Looks will fade away as you age but your heart and mind will always stay with you. Why do women always feel like our body is their property when it isn’t? It’s the same way with catcalling. This is a behaviour of men which I hate so much. In that moment they’re acting as if we are their property. I remember so many times that I was walking or biking and a man was catcalling me. When I didn’t respond the man was laughing and calling me a dirty word. It feels like we have to respond to them. We are not their fucking property. We aren’t fucking dogs who you have to call all the time. We have the right to not respond to this behaviour. I hope this behaviour will stop one day so that women don’t feel inscure or uncomfortable walking on the streets.


Men also don’t have the right to change women just to please him. It’s so important to not loose yourself in a relationship because at the end the most important thing is to be yourself. If someone don’t like you for who you are then it’s better to not be in relationship with this person. An example is when I had a relationship with my ex boyfriend. Once we went on a trip to Antwerp in Belgium and we went to the shop Forever 21 and we got into a quarrel. He said that every girl could walk on high heels and that I also had to walk on it. He said it would increase my self esteem and I would look like a model of Victoria Secret. Well fuck yourself, I don’t want to be or look like a model. I just want to be myself. I gave in and once in Spain he bought me high heels. I tried to walk on them so many times during parties and once also during a holiday we went with his family in Mallorca. I HATED IT. The high heels weren’t ugly at all. They were beautiful but I just hate to walk on high heels okay. I can’t walk on it, it hurts me and it doesn’t increase my self confidence. When I walked on high heels I felt more insecure and it was so uncomfortable. I told this to some boys and my friends I met after my relationship ended and they all said that it was stupid that my ex tried to change me into someone I’m not. I have to decide what’s good for me, and what I wear. It’s my body and isn’t your damn right to decide what I have to wear.

A read some articles of women who got raped and they alway point out that it’s the women’s fault. Society always blame the woman and I’m so done with it. They always point out about what the women was wearing, how late they were at the street or if they were at a party. It’s the rapist fault which in many cases is a man. Men are responsible for their actions. I also read that in many cases the rapist is their own boyfriend. They feel like when they’re in a relationship that the women is their property and can do anything with their body when it isn’t their right. The woman always have to give consent. If they aren’t okay with their behaviour and actions it isn’t okay. I have pleased so many times boys as in kissing them just because I was scared to loose him when at the end that happened. I also had times that I liked a boy and he also said he liked me and the end found out that he was kissing another girl. I felt so many times betrayed. Nowadays, I’m afraid to let someone in my life because I don’t want to have a broken heart after my ex boyfriend anymore. It hurted too much and broke my life in pieces. I will talk about this in another blog post in the future. The thing I want to say is that we aren’t your poperty. You don’t own us. You are not entitled to our bodies or our minds.

We have one body. Our body is our temple and we don’t own anyone anything. Remember, that you are never someone’s property. If you have to change yourself for your partner it isn’t worth it. It’s better to leave that relationship then to loose yourself. It’s so important to be able to be free yourself. You are a person on your own, with your values and personality. You decide what’s good for you and what’s not. Do what feels good to you. Always leave toxic relationships because at the end they will do more harm than good. We’re starting a revolution! The future is female πŸ‘­πŸ’ͺ

I hope you all enjoyed reading this blog post. I will talk to you all in my next blog post 😊

Love you all so much πŸ’•,

xoxo Christina

International Women’s day in Valladolid: the first feminist strike in Spain! πŸŒΈπŸ’œπŸ’ͺ

Hey lovelies 😍,

On the 8th of March 2018, I went to my first demonstration in Valladolid, in Spain. 8th of March was International Women’s Day. It was the first feminist strike in Spain. I will never ever forget this beautiful day. Maybe my hormones are making me feel emotional, fierece and so powerful or maybe it was my experience of this day. I will show you my experience and some awesome pictures & videos of this day. We made history in Spain!!! ❀ I went to the demonstration with my mother. I never ever went to a demonstration before. I’m always a bit anxious if they are going to be riots of group of extremists who want to hurt people. I’m happy that it was a pacific & peaceful demonstration. I know that something in me changed my way of thinking. I’m so proud of Spain. Spain had a dictator called Franco for 40 years. The transition to democracy was hard but we are going strong. Now, the first feminst strike took place like wow I’m so intense happy!!! Did you go to a feminst demonstration before? I also wanna know all your experiences.


This picture was made in Gran Via in Madrid, in Spain. Gran Via is the main city street in Madrid. International newspapers such as BBC or CNN and television from all over the world were writing and talking about this first feminist strike in Spain.

We all were at Fuente Dorada (square in the city centre of Valladolid). It began at 19.00 in the afternoon and ended at 22.00. There were thousands women and also men. I think it’s really important that also men were walking with us because they have to support us and help us to achieve equality between both sexes. This day was about all kinds of women: black, lgbt+ community, poor, rich, workers, students, elderly…. Everybody was invited to walk with us. We were walking for like one hour. It was so damn beautiful to walk with all these beautiful women. I have never felt so united and together with women. There’s a lot of jealousy and competition between women. I dislike that so much because if we really want to achieve equality between women and men, we also should stop to compare ourselves to other women. Instead, we should empower and encourage other women. I love to be part of this blogging and mental health community where I empower and encourage women and men. If we all support each other it’s much easier to achieve equality.

On the banner you can read: “Oh girls, just wanna have have fundamental human rights“. I draw the women sign on my face with a black eyeliner hahah. You can see how many women were at the first feminist strike in Valladolid….. thousands women!

I got really emotional during this walk. I felt one with the world and with all these beautiful women. It reminds me that we are not alone. I also heard some girls talking about their first time that they felt uncomfortable with men. It’s good to know that I’m not the only who have had bad experiences with men. We are all in this together ❀ I also saw some beautiful banners that all the women made for this demonstration and walk together. I loved the one where the words were written: β€œYo decido el cΓΊando, el dΓ³nde y con quien”. This means β€œI decide when, where and with who.” This banner was made by many women in whole Spain for the first feminist strike. This sentence is from the song Lo Malo which I heard during the talentshow OperaciΓ³n Triunfo on Spanish television. Aitana & Ana were singing this song. I’m going to the concert of Operacion Triunfo this friday and I can’t wait to hear this song and many other songs live in concert with my friend Maria.


These words means: “No is no, if you want flexibility go to yoga


These words mean: “I don’t want your compliment, I want respect


From the left to the right. On the first banner these words means: “You are more beautiful when you are free and not silenced.” On the second banner you can read the words: “I hate crowdy places but I had sexism much more.” On the third banner you can read the words: “There is no liberty without women who don’t are in a revolution.” On the last banner you can read the words: “I decide when, where and with who.”

I also talked a lot with all the women who were at the demonstration. My mother and I talked to some elderly who were so kind and lovely to us. One of them explained that this demonstration is really important. She said that she earned less than men and that this has to change. She also said that me and my mother were beautiful and that she hopes our lives are going well. I got really tears in my eyes… It means so much that complete strangers say these kind of things to me and my mother. I love that so much. There have to be more people like these women we met. It’s so important to say beautiful words to strangers and remind them how beautiful they are. You never know what kinds of battles or storms people are going through. Some kind words can definitely change your day and perspective of life.

I also met a lovely girl called Ines. She was from Catalonia. I shared some blog posts last year about the political situation of Catalonia. They want to be indepented from Spain. They had an election in December but the problem is still not solved because right now there’s no government. In Spain, all regions are autonomous which means that they have their own government, their own police and health care. Every region in Spain is different. I loved talking to Ines and understand her point of view. She said that this problem is not solved because during the time that Franco was a dictator for Spain for 40 years they had no rights. They couldn’t talk catalan, their own language and many things were forbidden. I also met a girl from Navarra, another region in Spain. Spain is beautiful because of all the different nationalities, regions and languages. I’m so proud to be Dutch and Spanish and be part of this beautiful culture ❀


The girl is called Ines which I met during the demonstration in Valladolid ❀

During this walk, we were all walking together to a square near to the cathedral of Valladolid. At that square some women were talking and giving speeches. It really made me feel so inspired. My mother asked for some stickers. I got some beautiful stickers to remind myself forever of this beautiful day. I already decorated my room with them. The march ended with a beautiful fire yeahhh ❀ πŸ”₯

They wrote “feminst strike” on the windows of the shops. This was written on the windows of the shop Zara. On the right you can see the cute stickers which I got ❀ On the first sticker you can read the words: “Without women, the world will stop.” On the other sticker you can read the words: “I also support the strike.”

I got really emotional to see all these beautiful women walking together. We are women and we have to be proud of it. Together we are going to change the world! ❀ The first feminist strike in Spain was a success. There were millions of women walking together during this demonstration in whole Spain. I feel so inspired and powerful since this day. I feel like we are going to change this world and it’s so good to know that we are never alone. We are all united. Together we are strong. We made history with the feminst strike in Spain!!!! We are in a revolution!Β πŸ’ͺThis is is just the beginning of something really great. I believe in the good things coming. Never forget that we are all in this together. The future is female, girl power! πŸ’œ

I hope you all liked this blog post. As you know by now I’m a feminist by heart. What do you think of this demonstration? Are you also a feminist? I hope we are going to change this world together because YES WE CAN!!!! ❀


Love you all so much πŸ’ž,

xoxo Christina

Happy International Women’s day πŸŒΉπŸŒΌπŸ’œπŸ’•

Hey lovely community 😍,

Today I’m going to write about a really important subject which is International Women’s day. Happy International Women’s day πŸŒΉπŸ’• I edited this picture for you all. I want to write you all a good blog post with also facts and numbers from reliable sources. I hope you are all going to like it. All women have the right to celebrate this day and go to demonstrations on the streets. I’m going tonight to a demonstration in Valladolid, in Spain in the afternoon. I think it’s really important that we are there to speak up. If we never speak up about difficult issues nothing is going to change. Are you also going to a demonstration today? Are you also going to celebrate this special day? Let me know in the comment section. I would love to hear about it ❀


Women are still considered as weak and men as strong human beings. I’ve always felt less than men. It’s hard to be a women in this world. I still feel intimitaded by men. I’ve always felt like I should make them happy. I know that not all men are bad. Women and men are still not equal. Women’s bodies are still being sexualised and viewed as a object. I have experienced so many times that I got catcalled on the streets, calling me a slut or touching my butt when I was dancing. You have no fucking right to touch it without my permission. I dislike this behaviour so much. I can’t fucking stand it. I also can’t stand that when women are raped they are saying it’s the women’s fault. It’s never your fault. Men are responsible for their fucking actions. We need to educate men to not rape women. Sorry for my swearing. It just makes me so angry. Also one time one boy even said once I was partying that I looked like I wanted to fuck with him.

I guess many women share such kind of stories. I’m not the only one who have shared me too stories. There are so many women on this earth who has experienced sexual harrasment or assault. “On average, 30 percent of women who have been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence by their partner. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence offers volunteer opportunities, and you can support them at their events by checking their calendar here.” (Source: Makers) Of course, men also experience this but facts shows us that the mayority who experience this are women.

index.pngThis isn’t the only problem we have. We still earn less money than men. No matter how hard we work, we will not be able to gain as much as a man. In undeveloped countries, women can’t get education and many of this women are forced to marry someone. This is called child chird marriage. “Every year, an estimated 15 million girls under 18 are married worldwide, with little or no say in the matter. Girls Not Brides studies the problem and is working to find workable solutions. They know that education and empowerment for girls are the first steps. You can help by sharing the facts or

This isn’t the only problem we have. We still earn less money than men. No matter how hard we work, we will not be able to gain as much as a man. In undeveloped countries, women can’t get education and many of this women are forced to marry someone. This is called child chird marriage. “Every year, an estimated 15 million girls under 18 are married worldwide, with little or no say in the matter. Girls Not Brides studies the problem and is working to find workable solutions. They know that education and empowerment for girls are the first steps. You can help by sharing the facts or This isn’t the only problem we have. We still earn less money than men. No matter how hard we work, we will not be able to gain as much as a man. In undeveloped countries, women can’t get education and many of this women are forced to marry someone. This is called child chird marriage. “Every year, an estimated 15 million girls under 18 are married worldwide, with little or no say in the matter. Girls Not Brides studies the problem and is working to find workable solutions. They know that education and empowerment for girls are the first steps. You can help by sharing the facts or donating to projects making a difference.” (source: Makers) I once saw a documentary about this and I just couldn’t stop crying. It’s just the worst thing ever. This really need to change. Facts also show us that the most highest positions in the labour market are men.

I also want to praise all the mom in this world. Being a mom is a full time job. Nobody should take that for granted. Women have to suffer with their period, get pregnant and have to raise their children. Besides, we also have to all our household stuff in home and work at the same time. Women are not being appreciated enough for all what they are doing. Of course, men are also raising their children but I still feel more connected to my mother. I think it’s because of the mother instinct and being for 9 months in your mother womb. I’ve always seen pregnancy a little bit of scarry. I have so many problems with my period and so much pain, that I’m thinking that if I ever get pregnant it will be so painful. Hopefully, I’m lucky and everything will go smoothly. I think it’s just so beautiful to bring children on this earth.

I’m a feminist and the meaning of this is that you believe in equal rights of women and men. I don’t believe women have to be better than men. That’s not what it’s all about. I don’t like that some people think we are hating on men. I don’t hate men. I just dislike some behavious and the fact that we are not equal in this society. Feminism shares a common goal which is to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal and social equality of sex. That’s the real difinition which I found on the internet.

I know a lot of improvement is made in women right’s like to able to vote and to work. Right now, we have the me too campaign and time’s up. These are all proyects to create equal rights between men and women. There are still so many things that have to change but together we are going strong πŸ’ͺ I’m thankful that I live in a developed country. My heart and praying goes to all the women who are suffering in this world especially in undeveloped countries. Many women doesn’t have the right to marry who to they want or to go to school in these countries. It’s really sad. “62 million girls are denied an education all over the world. #UpForSchool wants to change that. You can sign their petition here.” (source: Makers) There’s still so much work to do especially in these undeveloped countries.

Let’s raise boys and girls the same way. Let’s boy educate that the body of a women is not an object. Let’s educate them that every women decide their choices. Let women know that they have to be proud for who they. Let women know that they can live their lives according to their values and beliefs without any fear. Let’s all unite together and stay strong. I love you all my warriors ❀ Together we can change the world 🌍πŸ’ͺπŸ’ž

Here’s to strong women.
May we know them.
May we be them.
May we raise them.

The future is female πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸ’šβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸŒΈπŸŒΉ Amen ❀

Much love,

xoxo Christina

Liebster award 2x <3

Hey lovely bloggers <3,


I got nominated for the Liebster Award twice. I’m sorry it took a bit longer but I wanted to take my time to write a good blog post. The Liebster Award is an award to discover new, beginning blogs and is a great way to connect and support the blogging community. I feel so honoured that I was nominated for this award twice! πŸ˜€

The rules of this award are the following steps:

Step 1: write a 150-300 word post about your favourite blog that is not your own

My favourite blog on WordPress is without any doubt from the beautiful Chloe ❀ ❀ ❀ I met her on Instagram where she post beautiful pictures about self love and mental health. Her blog is all about her journey to self love while suffering from anxiety. She is also my mail friend like pen pal. I love to be friends with her and hopefully I will meet her one day.

On her blog and on Instagram she stays authentic and honest. I love that she shares the good and bad in life. Mostly, we can see a lot of fake people on social media but she is real. Her posts are about her struggles and how to find happiness while suffering from anxiety. Her posts and quotes really inspire me, make me happy and make me feel less alone. I encourage anybody following my blog, to follow her blog too because you won’t regret it!

Step 2: thank the blogger who nominated you

Thank you for nominating me for the Liebster Award, Cat and Anjana.  Your blogs are so awesome and inspire me so much. I love your blog posts about everything in life. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I encourage everybody to follow these two amazing blogs! ❀

Step 3: 10 facts about yourself (optional)

My blog is now almost three months old. I shared some personal stuff about me over the last three months, however I will share some facts about myself in case you don’t know them 😊.

  • I used to sing in a choir for 11 years in The Netherlands and travelled through Europe to sing with my choir in awesome places like in St. Peter’s Square, Rome for the Pope Benedict XVI.
  • I’m half Spanish/half Dutch; my father is Dutch, my mother is Spanish
  • I grew up between two cultures: Spanish and Dutch culture; I lived all my life in Haarlem, The Netherlands but am now living in Valladolid, Spain (The place where my mother was born).
  • I love writing poems and just all my thoughts and feelings.
  • I love surfing; I’m an beginner surfer, I went two two surf camps in Spain and surfed a lot in The Netherlands too. Even though I can’t catch like real waves I enjoy it haha and it makes me feel so free and happy (It’s already been more than one year that I didn’t surf, hopefully I will surf again soon).
  • I’m an highly sensitive person which means that I have a nervous system that is more sensitive than others and it process things more deeply. In other words, I feel more and love more. About 20% of the population has this personality trait. I can connect with the world in a way other people can’t. I cry and suffer more, but I also love deeply and have a deep appreciation of the beautiful world around me.
  • I think and dress like a hippie haha peace all the way! ❀
  • I used to do competitive swimming in The Netherlands, once I won the first price of estafette with my group. I really love swiming and would love to swim more because it’s really great to beat my anxiety.
  • I have anxiety for like my whole life. I blog about this a lot because it really helps to vulnerable and I get great support from all the people here. Since 8 months, I’m taking antidepressants like 20 mg each day and a benzo when I feel really anxious. This is really helping me a lot even though I’m now in a period of transition from college to real life which is really hard to cope with but I hope I will be okay soon.
  • I love travelling and travelled a lot through Europe. One of my biggest dream was going to New York City. Two years ago I won the Many Languages, One World Essay contest of 2015. I won a free trip to New York City in the summer of 2015. Our essays were related to the sustainable development goals. I wrote about the importance of gender equality between men and women. I wrote my essay in Spanish. I was in the Spanish team and we worked on our presentation for the United Nations together those days. We had to do a speech in the United Nations. Our project was called EMMA. This proyect was about how to end hunger, achieve food security and sustainablity. It was all so inspiring 😍. It made me think of all the things I wanna change in the world. This was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. I’m forever blessed to have experienced this and met everlasting friendships from people all over the world.

Step 4: Answer the questions your nominator has asked

First I will answer the questions of Cat 😊.

1) What’s your favorite book?

My favourite book is definitely β€œThe fault in our stars”. It’s a love story between two teenagers who have cancer. It’s soooo damn beautiful and emotional. You all should read this book in case you didn’t read it. I also love the movie so much.

2) Tell your favorite quote and why? (mention from which book, in case it’s from a book, you took it).

I have so many favourite quotes but this is definitely one of my favourites from my favourite book: β€œThe fault in our stars – John Green”. This quote is just so beautiful and so true because it shows what true love is and the hard truth of life.

β€œI’m in love with you,” he said quietly.

“Augustus,” I said.

“I am,” he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

3) When did you felt most satisfied with your life?

I felt the most satisfied and happiest in my life when I achieved one of my biggest dream which was going to New York City. Two years ago I won the Many Languages, One World Essay contest of 2015. I won a free trip to New York City in the summer of 2015 and spoke at the United Nations. I shared more details in the 10 facts about myself.

4) If you could choose live in any other place, where would it be ?

I would love to live in a place near to the ocean where it’s sunny every day like Hawaii, California, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Australia or Aruba. I would love to visit these places one day. I’m dying to go to Aruba and meet a famous yoga instructor called Yoga Girl and go on a yoga retreat and surf in the ocean of Aruba.

5) Are you capable of managing your social life with your blogging life?

Yes, of course! However, it’s kinda strange that sometimes I feel more connected to the blogging community than with people in my real life. I feel like I can share all my thoughts and feelings especially with having anxiety. I feel so much support here and it helps me so much.

6) Horror movies or Comedy movies? And why

Comedy movies of course, because I can’t watch horror movies. I’m a highly sensitive person and while having anxiety horror movies are just not my movies. It’s way too much for my senses. Comedy movies and romantic movies are the best 😊 ❀ They make me so happy!

7) If you had to spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?

This is a difficult question because I really love all my good friends and family. I would spend it with my lovely mother because she is the one who always support and understand me. She is always there for me. I love her too infinity and beyond! ❀ She is the most important person in my life.

8) What is your favorite song? And why?

I love music so much that I really can’t choose one favourite song. One of my favourite songs is: Is this love from Bob Marley. I heard this song in a surf van when I was doing a surf camp in Spain. I just love those hippie vibes and it makes me feel so free and happy. Love and peace is the way in life! ❀

These are my answers of the questions of Anjana :).

1) Describe your personal sense of style?

My personal sense of style is hippie style. I love kinda hippie clothes and the boho style of fashion. My room is this style too haha. I wear flower headbands and a dream catcher as necklace. I also love to wear clothes with Aztec print. This all creates me the hippie feeling which means for me to have a free spirit, open heart and mind.

2) Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I never like those kind of questions because it makes me feel insecure. I’m 24 right now so in 5 years I will be 29, that’s old hahah no. Sometimes, I’m afraid of the future and I just don’t know what I want do in my life. I never have like a plan. I hopefully see myself in 5 years being even more happy with myself, have faced more fears, being able to deal better with my anxiety, doing things that makes me happy and make a career out of it. Hopefully, I also have travelled to more amazing and beautiful places in the world and have made more memories and aventures with the people I love in life. I see myself livinig in Spain or somewhere else where it’s sunny and near to the ocean where I can surf.

3) Who is most important to you and why?

Definitely, my mother! ❀ She is the one that always support me in everything in life and is just always there for me. I love her so much. She is a strong and beautiful woman ❀ She is also the person who learned me Spanish and for that I’m forever blessed. Thanks to being able to speak Spanish, I won the essay contest of New York City and spoke at the United Nations.

4) What are 3 blog posts that everyone should have on their blog?

3 blog post that should be on every blog are one about ending the stigma of mental health illnesses, #me too campaign, and travels. Those are really important subjects for me and always keep me interested in reading them.

5) What is one thing you can’t live without?

That’s a difficult question…. Maybe some people would say their phone haha, but actually I can live without it. It’s not a real need. One thing I surely can’t live without is: WATER. I think many people take for granted all the things we have yet in so many countries in the world people still don’t have access to water which is one of the primary needs during the life of a human being!!! We drink water, we wash our clothes with water, we shower, we cook,…. we need water. It’s also the best thing to drink in the Summer because it doesn’t make me more thirsty like fanta or coca cola that contains so much sugar. I just love water even if it’s tasteless haha. It’s the best thing in the world! ❀ It’s so damn refreshing! 😍

Step 5: Nominate 5-11 bloggers with under 200 followers

It was a bit difficult find bloggers with less than 200 followers haha but I found some amazing bloggers :).

Step 6: Ask your nominee some questions

I’m excited to read your answers! πŸ™‚

1) Do you believe in life after death and why?

2) What do you find most important in life?

3) What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?

4) What is your favourite season and why?

5) What do you want to change in this world and why?

I had soooo much fun writing this long blog post even though it cost me some time but here’s it is 😊. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Much love,




#Me too – Men are responsible for their actions

Hey lovely bloggers πŸ’ž,

I’m gonna write a subject which I always have had on my mind. It’s just something that really hits me hard and I guess more women can understand this and feel the same way. I’m sorry I’m cursing sometimes but this subject just really make me angry.

​Me too.

If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote “Me too.” as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem. 

Women all over the world are tweeting or posting this on social media to make aware of this big problem. It is not just about one women, it’s all about millions of women who have been sexually harrased or assaulted in their lives.

I’m gonna share some of my experiences. I always felt ashamed of it. I felt like it was all my fault. I have had times where I was drunk and boys made use of this even when I didn’t want. People may say it’s all my fault. IT’S FUCKING NOT. This problem is a men issue too! Men are responsible for their fucking actions.

I have experienced so many times that I felt unsafe outside because men were shouting dirty things to me or catcalling me. I hate it so much. When I go out clubbing and am almost near to my house, I have the key of my house in my hand in case in case I see a scarry man to open my house door in just one second.  I think many women can relate to this feeling. Why do women have to feel unsafe all the time? We are used to grow up in a world where we are told since we are little that we have to be careful and that we as women have to feel unsafe all the fucking time. They don’t say that to boys. It’s just so unfair. We should raise boys and girls the same way.

We should educate girls and boys the same way. We should let boys know that they are responsible for their actions. It doesn’t matter if a girl is wearing a dress or not. This doesn’t determine their consent. We should educate boys to respect girls and when they say NO, it’s no. We should educate girls to speak up and learn to say no. 

I have had so many times where I walked alone at night after clubbing with my friends that boys said dirty things to me. This also occured to me during day time. This is something I never wanted to share because I felt so damn ashamed. Even my first love, you know my first boyfriend ever, that one person you love and trust…. well he was the one that many times crossed my boundaries and even said to me like: “If I don’t have sex with you before I’m 18, then I will go to the whores in Amsterdam”. Thinking of it now, he wasn’t that nice because if one person don’t respect your NO, that person isn’t good for you and just not worth it.

Also one time when I was going out with a friend in a city in the North of Spain (Santander) a boy said to me in the bar: “YOU LOOK LIKE I COULD FUCK YOU NOW” I showed him the middle finger and went outside and felt so fucking angry. Where is your fucking respect to a women?! I am forever a feminist and believe in equal rights between women and men. Both should be treated equally and with respect. 

Another story I’m going to share now is one which took place during gym in high school. This gym teacher was always saying dirty things to the girls like calling them honey and stuff. He also said one time to a girl: “Oh you must be on your period, right because you are angry?” Like, what the fuck are you saying. You have no right to say that. So, one time I brought some gym stuff back to a dark room. All my classmates were in the clothing room and were away. Then suddenly, he gave me like a hug or wanted to touch me… anyways something really strange and dirty. I said: “What the hell are you doing?”. He said: “It’s a rugby tackle”. I ran away crying to the dressing room.  Since then, I never felt safe again surrounded men. I hated gym so much becausd I always felt insecure and got bullied. Some popular girls saw me crying and asked me why and I never told them. I should have gone to the director of my high school and tell him. Now, it’s too late but now I’m 24 years old and say all things straight away. I was only 15 years old….. 

Women can wear dresses and lipstick and all stuff their want. Why does society always fucking blame the women when they get sexually harassed or assaulted and say stuff like: “Were you out at night?, “What were you wearing?”, “Did you drink?. It’s never the women’s fault. We should look at the action of the boys, they are fucking responsible for their actions.

I hope more women speak open about the things that happened to them so we can beat this problem πŸ’œπŸ‘ You are not alone. You are here to open up and speak about it. You don’t have to feel ashamed. Men are responsible for their actions. We should also talk with the men to prevent all of this. 

I’m here for you all πŸ’ž 

Much love,
