10 life lessons learned in 2017

Hey lovely bloggers <3,

This post is all about the 10 life lessons learned in 2017. I already wish you all a happy new year! I don’t like the new year, new me thing. I believe that we can change our lives every day and that it doesn’t have to be just with new year. I hope you all are going to enjoy this new year: 2018! I wish you all a 2018 full of happiness, love, good health and inner peace. May this year be the year of self love and make mental health a priority. I hope that all your dreams are coming true in this new year. Never stop dreaming! ❤


I edited this picture to wish you all a happy new year! ❤

So here are my 10 life lessons that I learned in 2017

1. Ask for help when you need it

This was such an important lesson which I have learned in 2017. I asked for help again when I was struggling a lot with my anxiety in the beginning of 2017. I take 20 mg of antidepressants since february. I’m so happy I got support and the doctor in Spain subscriped me the meds I needed. Since I have been taking antidepressants I feel more happier and less anxious. I still can feel sometimes much anxiety but I’m learning how to live with it. I’m making progress. I’m a warrior. I’m stronger and wiser than before. You should never feel ashamed of asking for help.

I also asked for help during my internship abroad. I was doing my internship abroad at the university of Valladolid. It was my first time working. I never did that before and was afraid. I asked for help when I needed to complete some tasks. They were also so friendly and helpful. I’m really blessed for that. I always thought that asking for help makes you weak but instead it makes you strong. We all need some help in life and you shouldn’t feel ashamed for that. We all need a little help from our friends and family in life ❤

2. Writing heals wounds

I started this blog in August. I never thought I would gain more than 100 followers and have such a great interaction with you all. I love you all so much. I love writing and it’s always have been one of my biggest passions in life. I love to write poetry too. I’m so glad I started this blog. It feels really great to write all my thoughts and feelings down. Sometimes I wrote about some bad experiences I had in life such as being bullied of having my heart broken. Writing is a form of healing. Writing can make you forget the stuff you experienced. When you write about such a bad experience, you are less attached to it and can easily let it all go. Whenever I write aboout something which hurts me, I feel so relieved after I have written that piece. My mind feels lighter again and free off all the thoughts and emotions I had. Writing is such a good way of self love. I also love to journal and wish to continue journalling in 2018.

3. Working life can be full of fun and happiness

I had to do an internship to finish my studies and get my degree of European Studies this year. I did my internship abroad in the international relations office of the University of Valladolid. I worked 5 months, from february till end of june. I must admit that I was so scared of the working life. I was also scared if I would cope with my anxiety. I did such a great job, worked hard and everybody was happy with me. I suffered some anxiety attacks during work and didn’t tell anybody. After a while I told them and they said I had to tell it earlier. They were are so lovely and helpful. I worked from 9 till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I was in the office of incoming international students. I made a lot of friends. I was helping them with their papers and admissions. I had such a great ambience at work. We laughed a lot and had so much fun. It was defintely one of the best experiences in my life. I felt so happy. I wish to find a career where I’m happy and where work is fun. It’s just so important to have a job where you are happy and aren’t feeling stressed out all the time. I must admit that I was tired a lot because I wasn’t used to the routine. I did it and I’m so proud of my achievement!

4. Having a routine in life is really important for your well-being

I must admit that when I had a routine in my life due to my internship, I felt happier and less anxious. Every day I had to work from 9 o’clock in the morning till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I went to bed every day at 11 o’clock. Sometimes I went to bed even earlier on days where I felt really tired. I woke up every day at 8 o’clock. It definitely made me feel so good. I must admit that right now I don’t have that routine anymore. My sleep routine was really bad these months but this month I changed it again. Now, it’s better than before. Slowly making progress again. Having a routine in life is just really important for our health, especially our mental health. It isn’t good to stay awake till 5 o’clock at night and wake up late. I felt more stressed because of that routine and less happier. I hope I can change my sleep routine again.

5. Travelling makes you feel more open-minded and connected with the world

I travelled a lot this year through Spain during my internship time abroad and afterwards. I went to Burgos (One hour from Valladolid), Salamanca (Famous of it’s beautiful university), twice to Santander (Beach time!) and to Granada which is in the south of Spain in Andalucia. Some trips I went with my mother and other ones with friends. I love travelling so much. It makes me feel more happier in life because of making new friends all over the world. I made so many friends while doing my internship abroad in Valladolid. I made friends from United Kingdom, Germany, China, Italy, Mexico, Colombia and many other places in the world. Travelling makes you more open-minded. You are open to new cultures. I love to learn more about the differences of the cultures and their languages. It makes life definitely more interesting. I love adventure! It also makes me feel more connected with the world. We are all the same despite our different religions or nationaliaties. We are human. We are all one with the world ❤ I can’t wait to travel more in 2018 through Spain and travel around the world. Every experience makes you richer.

6. Real friends are forever no matter the distance

I have friends all over the world. I grew up in two amazing countries: Spain and The Netherlands. I was living abroad in Valladolid for my internship and right now I hope to find a job in Spain. I went back for Christmas to Netherlands and saw my good friends again. I love the fact that even though you don’t see each other for many months, nothing changed when you see each other again. That’s for me real friendship. Real friends are the ones who will always be there for you no matter the distance. Real friendships are in your heart forever ❤ I love all my friends so much and I’m forever blessed with the beautiful friendships I have. I don’t need to have a million of fake friends, just a few good friends. Friends always make your life better and brighter.

7. Music is life

Since October I’m following the programme on Spanish television of Operacion Triunfo. It’s a Spanish singing contest. Every week a participant has to go home. There were 16 participants. Right now, there are only 9 left in the contest. I love singing so much. I used to sing in a choir for 11 years and travelled a lot through Europe with my choir. Music is so good for you and you health. It makes you feel more connected and happier. Music always have the right words when you can’t explain a situation in only spoken words. Music has the answers of everything. I love Operacion Triunfo so much. I also watch the 24/7 streaming on Youtube which they have.

My favourite participant is Amaia together with Aitana and Alfred. I just bought tickets to see them all live in a concert in Madrid in March 2018!!!! I’m so looking forward to it. I never went to a concert before in Madrid. I’m going with my lovely Spanish friend Maria. The winner will be chosen at the end of January during the last live show. There is also coming a special love show in January to choose the representant for Spain in Eurovision 2018. That’s so excited news. I hope Amaia together with Alfred is going to Eurovision. They performed City of Stars during one liveshow and this moment made history in the Spanish television. You could see so much connection and love between these two young people. They are now together in a relationship which is so cute omggg ❤

8. It’s okay to fail, at least you did your best and tried

After doing my internship abroad, I still had to do an exam which I didn’t do before to complete my studies. This exam was about law and was really complicated. I went to Holland in June and failed for only 0.5. I felt so bad and cried a lot about it. Now, I know that it doesn’t matter if you fail an exam because at least you tried. I went to Holland in August to take this exam again. I got as mark an 8 and I was so happy about it! I learned that failing is okay and doesn’t make you instantly a failure. Making mistakes is okay because you can all learn from it.

9. Don’t give up, because everything will be allright at the end

I struggled a lot this year with my studies. I was so worried and anxious all the time about the fact if I would ever be able to complete my studies and get my degree. I felt a lot of pressure and stress. I had to do some extra subjects because I didn’t obtain all the credits during my exchange semester a few years ago in Spain. I went on exchange to Logroño which is a place in La Rioja famous of it’s delicious wine. I partied and drank a lot during that semester. I was a completly mess. I really regret it now but at least I learned from it and it won’t happen again. I did the extra subjects and got some great marks.

This year, I learned to never give up. You will fall but every time you can stand up again. You will get what you want at the end. At the end, worrying only makes you feel frustrated and anxious. Everything will be allright at the end because I got my degree this year. That was one of my biggest dreams and wishes for this year. I completed this wish because of my hard work and because of never giving up. I trusted myself that I was able to do it because I’m smart enough. I learned to not give in to my insecurities. They are telling me that I can’t do it when it isn’t true.

10. Self love is the most important love in life

I always thought having a soulmate would make me happy and is the most important thing in life. I was wrong. I had a relationship from 17 years old till 19 years old. I suffered a lot with the break up. Afterwards, I was seeking the love of other boys to make my heart heal the wounds. It wasn’t the good way. I don’t kiss anymore boys without having feelings for them. It doesn’t make me feel good about myself. I learned that loving yourself is the most important thing you can do in life. Everything starts with yourself. Everything starts with the relationship you have with yourself. If you aren’t happy with yourself, you don’t do things which will make you happy. The thoughts you have about yourself are so important. Let’s change our negative thoughts this new year and replace them with good thoughts. You are enough, you are loved and you are so worth it. I hope you can all practice self love in this new year and take care of yourself! ❤

I hope you all liked my list of important life lessons which I have learned during 2017. I think my next blog post will about dreams and wishes I would like to complete in the new year. I wish you all a beautiful new year with self love, happiness and good health :)<3 Let’s rock this new year!

I love you all so much ❤

Much love xoxo Christina

37 thoughts on “10 life lessons learned in 2017

  1. Hi! I really like your blog and these are great life lessons for 2017. In my opinion, self-care is a must. Doing so helps me stay emotionally, mentally, and physically balanced. I wish you a Happy New Year and looking forward to reading more of your blog😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello 😄 Thank you so much for your follow and your comment! I love your blog aswell. Together we can beat our mental illness ❤🙏 Yes, self care/self love is so importan in order to feel good about ourselves. I wish you too a happy new year with a lot of self love, health and happiness 💫🌠💕 You deserve all the love in the world beautiful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So sweet. Thank you so much for the kind words . Love your blog and T-shirts hehe 😉 Reading your blogs is seriously making my day! You say things most of us are afraid to say! It’s great 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much aswell! 💕 Which t-shirts are you talking about? Aaaah I’m so happy it’s making your day ❤ Yeah, I think it’s really important to just say the truth and be honest because in this way we can help many people and have a deep connection.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Haaahaaa I mean seriously I have sent some texts to my husband and he brought home plastic cups from the store one night. I asked, what are those. He said I sent him a text including those with other items on the grocery list. I was like no I didn’t. Haaaahaa he said yea I didn’t get it, but I did anyways because I thought you needed it for something. Haahaaa all I wanted was plastic cups and plates. I forever hate autocorrect haaahaa 😂🤣

        Liked by 1 person

  2. All ten of these are amazing! Writing has changed me too over last couple of years. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Amazing post. I’d like to share it to my blog if you don’t mind? I hope you find everything you are looking for in 2018!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! ❤ I love writing so much. Writing is really a form of healing. Well, if you could mention my name and blog of course. I don’t want people to copy all my words. Aahhh thank you so much! I also do hope you find much love, happiness and luck in 2018 🌠

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 💕❤ Yeah, haha hopefully I will have a good routine again. I’m glad you liked it. Making mistakes aren’t making you a failure. You learn from it ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This post is everything! Although I have recently become more comfortable with writing it has already helped heal so much. Definitely not ending this year like I did the last. Thanks so much for this!😊

    Liked by 1 person

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